When you wake up in the morning for work, do you need to drag yourself just in order to get ready? Do you dread driving to
work? Do you struggle to open up your laptop to complete your tasks? Do you lack enthusiasm for work tasks? You are
probably burnt out. The word is thrown around constantly but what does it really entail? Burnout can be characterized as
chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed and is an occupational phenomenon.Lynn Festa lays out these definitions to her audience during our past webinar, she goes on to explain there are six
symptoms that can lead to burnout in the workplace. Lack of control, insufficient reward, work overload, unfairness,
breakdown of communication, and values conflict which causes a mental or physical collapse. Although there are many
symptoms that could lead to burnout, Festa showcases how there are ways to prevent burnout and help keep your
enthusiasm for work without just taking a week-long vacation.
The most common advice thrown around is “take a vacation” but there are certain daily tasks you can do so burnout will
be a closed-door rather than a bandaid on a wound. Even though our brain loves to look at the negative, you have the
ability to adapt that train of thought. Lynn Festa also describes the “ABCs of dealing with burnout.” A- which stands for
Awe means to invest more time in your hobbies just to make your day more “awe” some. B- which stands for boundaries
means to be willing to say “no” and having the courage to know your limits. C-stands for compassion more actually self-
compassion and creating mindfulness and kindness to your everyday self-routine. Last but not least, S- stands for self-
care which is taking an active role for your own well-being and happiness. All of these routes increase resilience and limit
burnout throughout the year.
Even though, burnout sometimes feels like a losing game, there are active steps you can take in order to beat burnout!
Next time you wake up for work, you will have tools to help you feel excited for the day!